Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Alpine Procession, Geneva and Birthday in Paris :-)

Another great weekend in Switzerland... The Alpine procession was a little over sold I think...It was interesting but missable...Hope you guys get a peek into the St.Gallen cathedral which I think is awesome....went there again because Miti was in St.Gallen and was showing her around....Geneva was amazing...It was clear day and its a lovely place to be in!

..........and since I got my residence permit it ended in me being in Paris for my birthday! Had a great day there!

I must thank Kinjal Damani though for showing me around in Paris and also for hosting me at her host family's place :P All my other friends in France were either studying or working..and my plan was spontaneous....

It was a clear day in Paris and the walk was brilliant all the way from Gare De Lyon to Eiffel Tower checking out all the historic places along the way...

You must check out Kinjal's house..its beautiful!

1 comment:

Prasid said...

A little too many of duck's pics dont u think?