Saturday, September 18, 2010

Swimming in Dreiweihern and the Crazy Fondue Night!

The swimming in the Dreiweiheren was a challenge! The buddy system guys went ahead with the plan because the weather forecast was good. But. The water was COLD! Yet, almost everyone who had come jumped in one after the other. And once inside kept saying to those outside -'Its not too cold!' hahaha....Dreiweiheren is a lake and they had made a diving board about 12-13 ft high. I don't know the right technique to dive from so high and preferred to jump from the edge. But the water was cold and swimming in it was a real confidence booster! But I had some people there telling me they had done it in glacial lakes and I was like yeah ok Tu mahaan but I come from India! Even my refrigerator has warmer water than this! Some of the girls just spent the entire afternoon sun bathing and we did that too after getting out of the water and 3 of us got into real deep discussion on..well... India, Ukraine and Singapore.I think we spent about 2 hours sun bathing and talking. We had a nice guitarist play in the background. I really enjoyed the outing. Its a place you must visit if the weather is good.

The next night was the night everyone was waiting was the delicious sounding Fondue night! Since only the 4 buddy system guys were doing the event there was a limit to the number of seats. And it had gotten full really fast! A lot of people did not get to come. I was excited because I had heard a lot about Swiss Fondue and also I really love the Fondue I normally have at Relish in Mumbai (Bombay). So we had tables with Fondue, Bread ,White wine and the all important stick with which you dip the bread in the fondue...

The Fondue night had rules – If you drop your bread in the fondue the first time: you take a shot of kirsch (vodka) and its supposed to be strong!

Second time: you need to sing a song of the choice of the people who are sitting with you on your table.

Third time: Kiss the person on your left

Fourth time: Kiss the person on your right

Fifth time: Help the buddy system guys clean up the whole place!

I didn’t drop a single piece. I only had guys on both my sides.

The cheese was yummy and people started enjoying the fondue. Everyone was careful about not dropping stuff at the beginning. But then slowly, tables began to erupt and suddenly we see the buddy system guys running from table to table with the bottle of Kirsch. 15 mins later we see the tables forcing the buddy system guys to take shots! The next 90 odd minutes was total madness....all the rules went for a toss and everyone was being forced into shots....absolute pandemonium....more and more white wine kept on coming....there were tables shouting for more fondue coz it was over....buddy system guys already half drunk running in and out trying to get the next fondue pot.......people singing randomly and then all of us collectively banging the tables and singing ‘We will , We will... rock you’.....A lot of wine was spilled by the end of this song!

A lot of things happened that night...someone passed out in the room...loads of people moved to Trischily to continue the party....but all in all it was one memorable night....really crazy crazy night...

By the way, there was a notice before we had entered – ‘Puke fee - 50 CHF’

1 comment:

Prasid said...

:) should have been such fun.
i am jealous. :P