Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 7 - Wimbledon - The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club

What a beautiful day and what beautiful town. I want to live in Wimbeldon!

Now for the real thing : The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club

Centre Court : The Theatre of Tennis Dreams

Mr. Ankit Doshi - after winning Wimbeldon 2xxx men's singles title
For more pictures and trivia see the slideshow below, if you cant view it please click on it, if you still cant leave comment :

I spent the rest of my day at Wimbledon is a beautiful place.....for a person born and brought up in Mumbai, places like Wimbledon park are alien concepts. I have craved for space all my life. The sheer enormity of the place and beauty around was breathtaking...The park led into a lake and there were private golf courses beyond. All day walking around that area I saw rich(seemed rich) Brits indulging in Golfing as it was a bank holiday. Those pictures will come soon.

A satisfying day and also inspiring.....I hope you visit the town of Wimbledon. I strongly recommend it.

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