Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Another Weekend in Paris - Technoparade!

To get a better feel of the city and also because of the Technoparade I decided to spend another weekend in Paris. I had only been there for a day on my birthday and wanted to see more of the city. So I managed to go to The Avenue des Champs Elysees, the awesome Technoparade, NotreDame, Le marche aux Puces, cite des sciences.  It was a wonderful weekend but it was THAT final night in the youth hostel at Mairie de Clichy that made it a truly unforgettable one.

Technoparade was madness and you must read the captions. I have tried to put some videos so that you get a feel of the thing. 4-5 hours of partying on Paris streets!

That night alone deserves a special post and my next post is dedicated to Music.

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